RealWear One

RealWear One

Enhance your device experience with easy network connections, inspection camera, video calling and live remote keyboard.

Enhance your device experience with easy network connections, inspection camera, video calling and live remote keyboard.

Inspection Cam

The new Inspection Cam feature allows users to stream live video from their mobile phone camera directly into their RealWear headset, providing additional visual perspectives without the need for manual handling.

It also allows workers to access hard to reach areas, like the back of a car engine or tight spaces behind machinery, without compromising the safety of the worker.

RealWear One QR Code
RealWear One QR Code

Effortless set up, from the go

Using RealWear One, users can set up RealWear head-mounted wearable devices out the box in seconds. All you have to do is scan a simple QR code and instantly set a devices network settings, get connected, and start work.

RealWear One Magic Keyboard
RealWear One Magic Keyboard

Input made magic

Input made


Make text entry to RealWear devices faster than ever before. With our remote keyboard feature, you can log into apps or enter text without saying a word. Just type using your mobile phone and watch the text appear on your headset in real-time.

RealWear One Call
RealWear One Call

See what I see, instantly

See what I see,


Go hands-free with our real-time video sharing feature. Simply click ‘start call’ from your mobile app and your wearable device will join the video call. Then share the meeting link to your contacts, who will see what you’re seeing.

Key Features

Quick login makes set up faster than ever

Direct device pair for 1:1 control

QR Keyboard

Super fast see-what-I-see video collaboration

Super fast see-what-I-see video

How to guides on setting up your device

Automagical Remote Keyboard

Latest firmware required

Latest firmware required

To get the best from RealWear One upgrade to the latest firmware today. 

RealWear Navigator 500 (Firmware 1.6+)
RealWear Navigator 520 (Firmware 1.6+)
RealWear Navigator Z1 (Firmware 1+)

To get the best from RealWear One upgrade to the latest firmware today. 

RealWear Navigator 500 (Firmware 1.6+)
RealWear Navigator 520 (Firmware 1.6+)
RealWear Navigator Z1 (Firmware 1+)

RealWear Firmware
RealWear Firmware
RealWear Firmware
RealWear Inspection

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